
One of the things I've enjoyed doing recently, aside from picking up hidden dog poop (our dog's version of 'adjusting', apparently...she's a shih-tzu, ironically) is leaving a little early to pick up Reagan and watch her play at 'the playpark', as she likes to call it.
At the end of every weather-permitting day, The Girl's class mercifully unchains them, allows the shackles to fall to the floor, and lets them run and scream like crows over carrion on the fenced-in playground. It's been fun to watch because last week, there was little interaction because she was so new. Yesterday and today were noticeably different, with plenty of germ-sharing snot interaction with all. proud and happy she's building new relationships that will last life-long...or at least into the next week. I even took a picture.
Then, I realized that as I am sitting alone in the parking lot in my black car with tinted windows in the back, unshaven, and donning a ball cap and dark sunglasses...and an iphone camera...that I am soliciting looks from the teachers and a few parents that were different from the look that says 'ewww...bad fashion guy'. They weren't looking because of my disarmingly good looks, but because they were thinking they may need to disarm ME! I'm THAT guy skulking the kids in the parking lot!
Next thing you know, Baptist Barney Fife storms over with his police light adorned golf cart and starts lapping my car with fire and brimstone in his eyes. Since this is a 'churchy' school, I'm fairly certain the only thing they're allowed to beat you down with is a heavy dose of 'the spirit'.
I decide to antagonize them a little, and make my way, slowly, mind you, to the carpool lane. I was followed and I'm pretty sure radio'd in to a higher authority. Once in line though, I put the tag in the window that let's them know for one, I'm allowed to be there and moderately safe, and who I'm there to pick up...legally. The law peeled off to pursue other evil-doers.
Once I was recognized as one of the less creepy parents, the looks on their faces changed. It was actually nice to see said look go from "Oh!! You're a child stalker"! to a smile and a "Oh!! You're a lazy, unshaven stay/work at home Dad"!! Whew.