Off Limits

The extremely cold temperatures here in Houston over the weekend made for idea conditions to hole up, eat chili and watch movies for a couple of days! Granted, the chili isn't as spicy as it used to be, holing up requires more craft-like activities and the movies include much more animation and princesses than they used to.

But it was also a good time for lesson learning. This has nothing to do with manners, respect or why one shouldn't juggle three eggs that have not been previously boiled...inside... (that was a different weekend). But this was a lesson about territory.

Most people have their 'space'...or at least a desire for such a thing. And most people know places they just should NOT go. For example, a party un-invited, the wrong part of town after dark, or how many partners your partner partnered with before you were the just don't go there.

Sure, a teenager learns that space and privacy is a welcome thing (putting it politely, I'm sure)...but when the hell does a FOUR YEAR OLD learn this?!
Reagan was diligently at work in her room at her desk drawing pictures and playing. "What a great kid", I'm thinking. She ran back out, into the kitchen to get the roll of tape, and then quickly disappeared. SURELY she's making another fine art-craft to send to the grandparents, and she sealing it up like a WW2 secret code tablet to be delivered to the Navajos to decyphering.

Shortly thereafter, I get summoned to The Girl's room. "Daddy", she said, "this sign means that NO people are allowed in my room". "You see this? That says no. THAT is a person. And those X'x (of which there were many), means people are not allowed in my room". The sign was sealed nearly permanently to the outside of the four-year-old's door...then she shut it in my face.

I stood there for a minute to assess this new restriction that has been imposed on me, and all who enter...or shall I say, contemplate to enter. I tried to think of where this came from, and all I could come up with is when we talk about the street signs on the way to and from school, and when to ignore them.

All I know is that the line for the wrong side of town has just been moved to just down the hall!

Ready for the New year.

I do realize it's been a while since I've posted anything on I apologize. It's not because life ceased to exist for us...quite the contrary, it's been the opposite. We've played merry-go-round with our friend Intestinal Virus. We've been to Aunt Marilyn's wedding in Vegas, where I wasn't the one this time to vomit at a was our 4 year old (and also not from drinking too much, thank you.), and we just returned from the land of ice and snow for the holidays (St. Joseph, MO).

So here we are now. Ready for the new year, resolutions are in place, and the hangover is dissapating....which leads to resolution #1. We're not 'drinking' for the entire month of January. Sure, most resolutions are intended for the entire year, but let's not be ridiculous. We love our wine, and it goes hand in hand with the concept of ME raising REAGAN. Anyway. There's also the resolutions of doing better with my voiceover business, being a better father and husband, and I resolve to go back to drinking immediately in February.

One thing that will certainly help with not drinking in January is The Girl going back to school. Yesterday was Monday. We had a nice, restful weekend so that we could all get up on time, and be rearing to go! It was a little difficult for Reagan to wake up after being able to sleep in for what seemed like six months, but she did. I got her up, dressed, fed and out the door ON TIME!

We got to school on time as well...only to realize that everyone else must be late! Or, as it turned out, we were REALLY early for school when they come back from holiday break on TUESDAY.

No school.

So we ramble on back home, trying to explain to the 4 year old why in the hell I woke her up at 6:30 and threatened her if she didn't eat her instant oatmeal for no reason.
But I quickly realized that this was my chance to maybe start working on that other resolution...being a better father. So the books came out, errands were ran with her assistance and I had a sous chef in the kitchen...and this time it wasn't wine.